The Department of Humanities is located in Vercelli, specifically in the district between via G. Ferraris, viale Garibaldi, and piazza S. Eusebio.
Lessons, teaching and research activity, and administrative-technical procedures take place in classrooms, study rooms, laboratories, offices and a library which are all close to each other and the train station and bus routes.
Vercelli is on the road and train network Torino-Milano. It can be reached via autostrada A4 (Torino-Milano), turning onto A26 in the Vercelli direction. There are train and road connections with Novara - Milan - Venice, Turin, Casale - Alessandria, Asti, Mortara - Pavia, Santhià - Biella, and Valsesia.
As of 2015-16, Alessandra has operated the 3-year Bachelor’s degree in:
- Literature at Palazzo Borsalino, via Cavour 84.
Alessandria is on the road and train network Torino-Genova/Torino-Piacenza. It can also be reached via A21 and A26. There are train and road connections with Turin, Milan, Vercelli, Casale, Asti, and Mortara.
- San Giuseppe - P.zza S. Eusebio, 5
Reception: tel. 0161228300
opening hours: 8am - 6.30pm - Palazzo Tartara - Via Galileo Ferraris, 106
Reception: tel. 01612285210
opening hours: 8am - 6.30pm - Ala Conventuale Sant'Andrea - Via Galileo Ferraris, 116
Via Galileo Ferraris 116
Reception: tel. 0161228211
opening hours: 8.30am - 6.30pm - Ospedaletto - Viale Garibaldi, 98
Reception. tel. 0161228203
(access also from via Galileo Ferraris 109 and piazza Roma 16)
opening hours: 8am - 6.30pm - Istituto Sacro Cuore - Corso Italia, 106
Contact details: 0161213317- 0161258817,
Office hours: Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm - University Library of Vercelli - Via Galileo Ferraris, 54
tel. 0161228212
opening hours: see website
Disum manager: Prof. Michele Mastroianni
Rectors’ Offices – Student Residences and SLD Services
Fill in the UpoRisponde form on the University website and in the field "Choose topic or recipient", enter "Right to Higher Education" or "Services for disabled or SLD students".
Classrooms and Study Rooms
Classrooms, study rooms and offices are all close to each other and also near the train station, bus station and carparks.
Research and teaching labs
Teaching and Research Laboratories - Palazzo Tartara
- DIGILIBlt – Laboratory of Digital Development and Reproduction of Texts
- Laboratory of Multimedia and Visual Anthropology (Palazzo Tartara)
- Laboratory of Geography and Maps collection
- LASA – Laboratory of Archaeology and History of Art
- LICOTT – Laboratory of Computational Linguistics and Text Technology
Student Services Office
via Galileo Ferraris 107-109
Open by appointment only; to make a request, use the online form UPORisponde.
Disum Teachers’ Offices - Palazzo Tartara
Via Galileo Ferraris 109 (entrance also from piazza Roma 16)
Reception: tel. 0161228210
Vercelli Campus Library
Via Galileo Ferraris, 54
Planimetria terzo piano S. Giuseppe
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Planimetria secondo piano S. Giuseppe (Palazzina G)
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Planimetria piano terra Ex Ospedaletto
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Planimetria primo piano Ex Ospedaletto
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Planimetria piano sottotetto Ex Ospedaletto
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Planimetria piano terra S.Giuseppe
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Planimetria primo piano S.Giuseppe
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Planimetria secondo piano S. Giuseppe
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VC03 P1-Tartara 1 piano.pdf
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VC03 P2-Tartara 2piano.pdf
- Documento PDF - 2.92 MB
- Documento PDF - 607.73 KB