Policy Documents
You can consult the two QA policy documents that DISUM has adopted:
- "Policy for the Quality Assurance (QA) of the Department": the DiSUM mission in the field of Research and Third Mission is illustrated, the methods for carrying out the QA process are defined, and the QA structure of the DiSUM is outlined along with responsibilities attributed to the individuals/bodies involved
- "Periodic planning of the Department's activities": the three-year Research and Third Mission objectives that the DiSUM intends to achieve, the actions aimed at achieving this, the people/bodies involved, the necessary resources and indicators that can be monitored, are all identified and described.
Politica per l’Assicurazione di Qualità (AQ) del Dipartimento
- Documento PDF - 82.63 KB
Programmazione periodica delle attività del Dipartimento
- Documento PDF - 124.25 KB
Last modified 27 July 2022