Lessons, international seminars and workshops
Editing Early Greek Philosophers as a textual problem
Date: January 22, 2021. Online lesson, in English, held by Professor André Laks (Sorbonne Université, Paris; Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City), organized by the Laboratory of Philosophical Philology and the philosophy department members Ghione, L. Ferrari, L. Folli, as part of the course in Philosophy and Communication of the UPO Department of Humanities. Professor André Laks illustrated the critical problems addressed in his new edition of the entire corpus of pre-Socratic philosophers "Early Greek Philosophy". Lesson proposed also for the FINO Doctorate.
Critical Race Studies: The Black Feminist Foundations of Critical Race Studies
Date: May 7-9, 2021. Intensive twelve-hour international seminar coordinated by Professors Cristina Iuli and Sabine Broeck as part of the activities of Visiting Professor Sabine Broeck at DISUM-UPO. Participants, professors and professors: Sabine Broeck (Universität Bremen); Rozena Maart (University Kwa-Zulu Natal, SA); Derrais Carter (University of Arizona, USA); Annalisa Scacchi (University of Padua); Kossi A. Komla Ebri; Angelica Pesarini, (New York University, Florence); Cristina Iuli (University of Eastern Piedmont).
National Geographic Perspectives on Italy Alpine Tourism. Best Practices for Sustainability in the near Post-Pandemic
Date: May 13, 2021. Online study seminar, taught in English by Dr. David Scott Silverberg. David Scott Silverberg (Ph.D. @ MIT and post-doc @ Harvard University) is a geographer working on conservation projects spanning six continents. As an expert and explorer for National Geographic, his mix of exploration, research, and digital photo-video storytelling has been popular with National Geographic travelers for many years. He is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, the Royal Asia Society, the Explorers Club and the Victoria Society).
"Blood and Soil”. Dynamics of African‐European Concepts of Identity and Land
Date: 21 June 2021. Public lecture by Visiting Professor Stephan Mühr (University of Pretoria, Hatfield, South Africa), as part of the activities of Visiting Professor. In person and online (in English).
Reflections on the Lie of Being White. International Closing Seminar on Critical Race Studies
Dates: October 22, 2021. On-site seminar as part of the activities of Visiting Professor Sabine Broeck (Bremen Universität) at DISUM-UPO, coordinated by Professor Cristina Iuli
I commons del sottosuolo. Per una democrazia estrattiva
Date: November 11, 2021.
Seminar for the Doctorate in Ecology of Cultural and Institutional Systems as part of the activities of Visiting Professor Karen Elyse Pinkus (Cornell University).
The Circumstances of Justice
Date: December 15, 2021. Seminar by Professor Erin Kelly (Tuft University), inaugural lecture within the activities of the North-West Doctorate of Philosophy (FINO).
Editing Early Greek Philosophers
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National Geographic Perspectives on Italy Alpine Tourism
- Documento PDF - 1.41 MB
I commons del sottosuolo. Per una democrazia estrattiva
- Documento PDF - 572.3 KB
Last modified 10 August 2022