1- Supplementary elections for student representatives in the Department of Humanities, two-year period 2021-2023, electoral session of 26 October 2022.
On 26 October 2022 from 9am to 4pm, the online elections will be held for student representatives in the Department of Humanities, for two-year period 2021/2023 as indicated below:
- Course Council in “PHILOSOPHY AND COMUNICATION”, no 2 representatives
- Course Council in “LITERATURE”, no. 1 representative
- Course Council in “MODERN LANGUAGES” no. 2 representatives
- Master’s Course Council in “MODERN, CLASSICAL AND COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY”, no. 3 representatives
- Master’s Course Council in “LANGUAGES, CULTURE AND TOURISM”, no. 3 representatives
- Master’s Course Council in “PHILOSOPHY”, no. 3 representatives
- Master’s Course Council in “POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY AND CULTURAL STUDIES”, no. 3 representatives
- No. 1 representative: Bachelor’s degree course in “MODERN LANGUAGES”
- No. 1 representative: Master’s degree course in “MODERN, CLASSICAL AND COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY”
- No. 1 representative: Master’s degree course in “LANGUAGES, CULTURE AND TOURISM”;
- No. 1 representative: Master’s degree course in “PHILOSOPHY”.
- No. 1 representative: Master’s degree course in “POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY AND CULTURAL STUDIES”
- No.3 student representatives: selected from students attending Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s degrees and the PhD with one position reserved to PhD candidates of the department’s research PhDs.
SUPPLETIVE 2021- 2023 indizione 26_X_2022
- Documento PDF - 801.24 KB
1. Modulo presentazione lista
- Documento PDF - 760.98 KB
2. Elenco candidati
- Documento PDF - 509.89 KB
3. Modulo raccolta firme
- Documento PDF - 432.03 KB
4. Accettazione candidatura
- Documento PDF - 533.71 KB
5. Presentazione candidatura commissione paritetica
- Documento PDF - 655.65 KB
Elettorato attivo Disum
- Documento PDF - 251.23 KB
Elettorato attivo Filologia
- Documento PDF - 103.4 KB
Manifesto elettorale
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Nomina e convocazione della commissione elettorale
- Documento PDF - 479.56 KB
Verbale Della Commissione Elettorale
- Documento PDF - 525.69 KB
Nomina delle rappresentanze degli studenti negli Organi del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – biennio 2021/2023
- Documento PDF - 533.29 KB
Last modified 12 July 2023