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Webmail for students

The e-mail service is activated for all students enrolled in degree programmes, Specialisation Courses, 1st and 2nd Level Masters and Research Doctorates of the University of Eastern Piedmont, at the end of the enrolment procedure / signing up.

First access. 
It is not necessary to submit any request for the account.

At the end of the registration procedure, you will have access to an account that has the following address: matricola @

To activate the box, you will need to log in to the website. Fill in all the forms that are stated:

  • select as structure: "Students"
  • enter your ID (enrolment) number as username
  • enter the password generated during registration on Student Services
  • enter twice a new and complex password that you invent (at least eight characters, including a capital letter and a number)

If the password is changed successfully, your status is "active" and you can access your mailbox (go to, enter as username and the “New password” you just created and then follow the activation process until your email account appears.
If the error "The specified credentials are not valid" appears, then either your status is still a "hypothesis" and it is not yet possible to activate the account or you are typing the "current password" wrongly: make sure you enter the correct one.

Access the mailbox directly from the homepage of the Disum website, or fromthe Google homepage or, even better, from 

Like normal Gmail accounts, your mailbox can be consulted via the web from any device, using your credentials (we do not recommend the use of local clients such as Outlook, Apple Mail, etc…).
The mailbox has a capacity of at least 7 GB and is equipped with antivirus and antispam filter and a webchat is active that allows you to contact other @ users and all @ users, also in audio / video mode.

The @ box is the only address recognized by the University for receiving and sending communications. This way you can ensure that any confidential data is not sent to strangers. In addition, sending mail via the email @ allows the administration to identify you immediately, speeding up response times.
For questions related to your academic life, we will ONLY respond to requests from university email accounts. It is your duty as a student to check your inbox periodically for notices / communications regarding your teaching and administrative career.

For queries:

To change your password, reset it or restore it in case of loss, click here.
Remember that the credentials you use to access the university account are also needed to access the DIR service and the computers of the Disum computer labs. Read more here.
We are working to standardize the access credentials for all our IT services and you will soon be able to access all the procedures with your e-mail credentials. We will notify you!

To find out more, check the University website.


WebMail for staff

The University project for the migration of the e-mail service to Google-Gmail ended on November 25, 2015.

Helpdesk: Disum IT Systems Office


Useful Links


Last modified 8 August 2022