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Lessons Timetable

Lessons a.y. 2023-2024

In our Department,  the academic year 2023-2024 is divided into two semesters, during which various teaching activities take place.

  • 1st semester: 02.10.2023 - 26.1.2024
  • 2nd semester: 4.3.2024 - 14.6.2024



UPOPlanner is the integrated system for the management and booking of University rooms/places

The lessons timetable is updated in real time and may be subject to variation. It is advisable to consult it periodically.


For the LESSONS timetable

Go to homepage of Agenda Web of UPOplanner and choose “Lessons timetable”


To find the exam dates calendar

Go to homepage of Agenda Web of UPOplanner  and choose “Exam Dates Calendar”
Remember that at this page you can find: the complete calendar of exam dates.


To find OTHER COMMITMENTS or bookings

Go to Search for bookings and set the 'type' of booking you are searching for.

View the daily timetable in "MONITOR mode"

Other ways to view the booking timetable


Go to the page Search your timetable by lesson  and set the activity/period you wish to search



Go to the page Search your timetable by teacher and enter the teacher’s surname
Remember that you can also search by teacher activity: consult UPOBOOK


For BUILDINGS in Vercelli (Find free and engaged rooms)



Go to the general page Search your timetable by degree programme and enter the year, course, select the year (also multiple selections) and time period.
You can also use the links below.

The process may take a short while as all lessons are presented, due to intersection of course years.

Read also the Disum NOTICE BOARD 

Last modified 20 October 2023