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u) Social Partners

Degree course Literature - Vercelli (Binational Degree) - academic year 23/24

This section is dedicated to the relationships between the Degree in Philosophy and Communication and the Interested Social Partners (ISP), i.e. the organisations and institutions potentially interested in the cultural and professional profile of graduates in Humanities

The Interested Partners express the training needs of their company, which include:

  • organisations representing the production of goods and services, professions and/or, in the absence of organisations specifically responding to the needs of the project,
  • scientific societies/companies, research centres, academic and cultural institutions of national or international importance.

The ISP can provide valuable information regarding the roles that the Bachelor or Master's degree graduate will be asked to perform, thus allowing the corresponding skills to be identified.

The input of the ISP is also significant with regards to later verification of the effectiveness of preparation achieved by bachelor or master's graduates.

Finally, ISPs also play an essential role in carrying out training or professional internships, hosting candidates and assisting them with company tutors.

Last modified 5 January 2024