To view the exam sessions, visit Final exams and thesis.
Submit the online application
New procedure for graduating students from 1st and 2nd level degrees
Submitting the Bachelor's degree application
You will have to submit your degree application through the Student Portal by selecting the degree application from the menu (among the attachments on this page you can find a brief VADEMECUM of the on-line procedure).
When you submit your degree application via the web, the system will automatically generate the amount of €32 corresponding to the revenue stamps due for the admission application and for the future withdrawal of the degree parchment.
This amount must be paid before the deadline for submitting the degree application.
The following documents must be attached to the graduation application:
- TITLE DEPOSIT FINAL PROOF: the form is available online.
- For further information go to the page: ALMALAUREA RECEIPT
- BIBLIOLAB: those enrolled from the academic year 2020_2021 onwards must also submit the Final Certificate of completion of Modules 1-4 of the laboratory - BiblioLab.
To take the final examination you must:
- have passed the examinations envisaged in the study plan
- be up to date with the payment of fees
Additional specific information for 1st level (bachelor) degrees
Remember that, at the moment in which the thesis title (the only significant element needed to submit the application) is definitive, you must confirm it by ticking the appropriate box (see explanatory slides attached to this page).
This confirmation may be made after you send the online application but no later than seven days before the final exam session date.
Additional specific information for 2nd level degrees
If you wish to graduate from a Master’s programme (2° level), you must:
- Agree the title and content well in advance;
- Complete the online procedure: you will be asked to upload a copy in PDF format of the thesis; this must first be digitally signed by the supervisor. Please remember that for the digital signature to be recognised, the document must be saved in PDF/A format.
The application to graduate will be approved by the Student Secretariat only when you have confirmed (by ticking the appropriate confirmation box) the definitive version of the work (see explanatory slides attached to this page. This confirmation, which may be made after sending the online application, must be made by and no later than seven days before the final exam session date.
Student Records Transcript
Please note! All forms related to the application to graduate must be delievered to the Student Secretariat together with the Student Records Transcript (if you are one of the students who still hold this physical document). See the forms at the bottom of this page.
Request for multimedia equipment
Candidates who need multimedia equipment for the presentation of the thesis (videoprojector, audio speakers, etc.) are asked to make arrangements well in advance (at least two working days) with the IT Systems Office of the Department of the Humanities:
Notices and forms
- Check the latest notices and relevant information regarding the Library
- Check the related forms
When and how can I make the application to graduate?
It is possible to submit the application according to deadlines reported for each Course on the NoticeBoard for Graduation Calls page: Bacheca appelli di Laurea
Submission takes place online via the Student Portal; instructions can be found below
Can I submit an application if I still need to take some exams?
Students who wish to apply to graduate but still need to take exams and achieve necessary academic credits (up to a maximum of 12 ) are asked to contact the teachers of the subjects involved well in advance.
I no longer intend to take part in this exam session: what can I do?
Those who wish to withdraw from the exam session must submit a WITHDRAWAL (RINUNCIA) within the deadlines stated for each course as stated on the Noticeboard for Graduation Calls Bacheca appelli di Laurea , using the Uporisponde service.
The deadline for submitting the application has passed/I did not submit my thesis in time: what should I do?
Submission of the application to graduate after the stated deadlines is subject to approval by the Department Manager, and will also incur a penalty fee of € 25 for delays of five calendar days or less; € 50 from the sixth to fifteenth calendar day; and € 100 for submissions after the fifteenth calendar day following the deadline, as laid down in the Students’ Handbook a.y. 23/24, for failure to respect administrative deadlines.
The same treatment applies to failure to submit the thesis within the deadline.
How is the degree score calculated?
The grade for the final examination, awarded at the end of the discussion of the paper, is calculated on the basis of the weighted average resulting from the career, with a possible increase of up to 5 points in consideration of the validity of the final paper and the candidate's ability to present it to the committee.
The final mark is expressed in 110mi, with the option for the committee to award, by unanimous decision, honours if the final mark is one hundred and ten.
The degree mark may also be increased by the performance of internationally mobile activities, for a maximum total of 3 additional points, adding together the following criteria:
- 0.1 point for each CFU achieved in international mobility (CFU achieved in international mobility for internships and theses);
- 1 point per work placement carried out in international mobility;
- 1 point per thesis completed in international mobility.
The additional score related to the performance of activities in international mobility is added, without rounding, to the weighted average and to the additional scores with a single final rounding.
How is the degree score calculated for Master's degrees?
The grade for the final paper, awarded at the end of the discussion of the dissertation, is calculated on the basis of the weighted average resulting from the career, with a possible increase of up to 5 points in consideration of the validity of the final paper and the candidate's ability to present it to the committee.
It is possible to award more than 5 points, in cases of particular originality and quality of the paper, against the appointment of a second co-rapporteur and with the unanimous favourable opinion of the committee.
The final mark is expressed in 110ths, with the right for the committee to award, by unanimous decision, honours if the final mark is one hundred and ten, distinction and dignity.
The degree mark may also be increased by the performance of activities in international mobility, for a maximum total of 3 additional points, adding together the following criteria
- 0.1 point for each CFU achieved in international mobility (CFU achieved in international mobility for internships and theses);
- 1 point per internship carried out in international mobility;
- up to 2 points (on indication of the supervisor) per thesis carried out in international mobility.
The additional points linked to the performance of activities in international mobility are added, without rounding, to the weighted average and to the additional points, with a single final rounding.
Please Note
Remember that all the conditions above are mandatory; no exceptions will be made.
It is up to the student to organise his/her own exams and activity regarding the final exam, in order to satisfy all the deadlines and conditions.
Should the final exam/thesis be defended in a session subsequent to that which the student had originally registered for, he/she must (within the stated deadlines) again submit the online application to graduate, paying the relevant stamp duty.
The rest of the documentation (AlmaLaurea receipt and Thesis Title Submission form, if unaltered) will be classed as valid as originally accepted by the Student Secretariat.
Tutorial Presentazione domanda di laurea (online)
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Dichiarazione per esami
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Modulo Deposito titolo tesi
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Last modified 22 November 2024