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6. Application for final exam (thesis) and Feedback Questionnaire

The application for the final exam (thesis/presentation) can be made online through the Student Portal, following the instructions in the presentation attached below “How to present the application to graduate – Master’s”.

To complete the application, you must:

- already have completed the AlmaLaurea questionnaire and uploaded the receipt of completion on the Student Portal during the application procedure

- already have completed the Master’s Feedback Questionnaire supplied by the Master’s Office

The order of presentation is decided by the Board; however, it is recommended that you arrive at the venue at least 20-30 minutes before the beginning of the session.

If, during the discussion, the candidate intends to screen slides, this must be notified in advance to the Master’s Office. Delivery of the file with the definitive presentation (attached by mail to the Master’s Office) must be made at least two days before the thesis defence date in order that the IT technicians can test the file on the premises.


Procedure per presentare domanda di conseguimento titolo Master
Documento PDF - 839.84 KB
Modulo deposito tesi/prova finale Masters
Documento PDF - 188.35 KB
Linee guida per la redazione della tesi
Documento PDF - 65.16 KB
Almalaurea istruzioni
Documento PDF - 38.48 KB
Modulo Job Placement
Documento PDF - 619.54 KB

Last modified 2 November 2023