9. Requests for certificates and issue of degree certificate
N.B. To request certificates, students must be up-to-date with all due fee payments.
For each certificate and request, the payment of a €16 digital revenue stamp is charged.
To make the request:
- Fill in the certificate request form here attached, stating the number and name of certificates required in the appropriate space (maximum five per request).
In the event of a request for a certificate for use abroad, at the end of the description of the certificate requested, state which country it will be used in; usually, for the issue of these certificates, it takes around two weeks from the moment communication is received regarding payment of the virtual revenue stamps.
Send the request form (completed and signed), together with a scanned copy of a valid identity document (back and front) to the Master’s Office by email.
In a few days, you will find the bill for payment of the digital revenue stamps on your online services page.
Certificates for use in Italy will be sent via email to your institutional email address while certificates for use abroad, which require original signatures, must be collected from the Master’s Office (arrange an appointment in advance).
It is then the student’s responsibility to have the signature authenticated at the Vercelli Prefecture (check days and times; note that the signature is deposited only in Vercelli, so other Prefectures cannot authenticate the document).
For collection of the original certificates, anyone who is unable to come in person may send a proxy with a mandate stating what is to be collected and photocopies of the documents of both the delegator and delegatee.
Only in the cases of exemption specifically stated by current law (P.D. 642/1972 and other specific laws) is it possible to issue certificates exempt from the revenue stamp. In such a case, the fee is not charged even for the request.
Self-certification replaces the certificates without any need to subsequently present the actual certificate when it must be shown to a public administration (PA) or to a public service manager. The public administration is obliged to accept it, reserving the possibility of controls and verification in the event of any existence of reasonable doubt regarding the veracity of the content; in this case the PA itself will request confirmation from the other PA. Since it is a declaration that you yourself make, it is not necessary to attach any revenue stamp.
The procedure for printing it is as follows:
- Log in to your personal page on the Student Portal
- Select in the MENÙ, top right-hand corner> Segreteria (Secretariat) > Autodichiarazioni (Self-Certifications)
- Choose the type of self-certification that you need, and print it off
- Sign and date the certificate in ink before delivering it to its destination
Justified absence from work
Should you need a justification for your employer for attendance at a lesson, taking an exam or the defence of the thesis, download the module here attached: “Declaration of attendance lessons/exams Master’s DISUM”; fill it in, sign it and have it signed by the teacher responsible for the activity on the day of attendance.
Collection of degree certificate
The certificates (parchments) for the Master’s degrees are available for collection from the Department’s Student Secretariat.
To collect the certificate, make an appointment by sending an email to the Master’s Office.
Anyone who is unable to come in person may send a proxy with a mandate stating what is to be collected and photocopies of the documents of both the delegator and delegatee.
Richiesta di rilascio certificati
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Dichiarazione di frequenza lezioni_esami Master DISUM
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Last modified 2 November 2023