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i) Internships and Job Placements (companies/organisations)

Degree course Literature - Vercelli (Binational Degree) - academic year 24/25

Why host an intern/trainee? The internship is a useful tool not only for students and graduates who have the opportunity to come into contact with the world of work, putting the knowledge acquired into practice, but also for the host organisation or company that can assist in the training of the intern, who is identified according to their needs

How to activate an internship: companies that wish to collaborate with the Department and University by stating their internship offers/requests must complete the accreditation procedure at the Company/Entity Registration link

Once in possession of the access credentials, all aforementioned activities can be managed independently from your own Reserved Area.

Identification of the intern: the first contact between candidate and company can be arranged by the student/graduate, the Department or the host organisation/company.

Stipulation of the agreement and the training project: Internships are implemented on the basis of specific agreements stipulated between the Department and/or University and the host organisation/company. Revenue stamps of €16 each are affixed to all copies of the agreement; in some cases, specific subjects named by the Presidential Decree n. 641/72 and n. 642/72 are exempt from the revenue duty. The agreement stipulates insurance coverage (accident and third-party liability), to be paid by the University.

After signing the agreement, it is possible to draw up the training and orientation project, containing all relevant information. The maximum duration of curricular internships is 12 months; 6 months for training and orientation internships.

Implementation of the internship and its conclusion: during the internship, the host tutor signs the intern's attendance register. At the end of the internship, the host organisation/company is required to draft a final report (on headed paper) in which the internship experience carried out by the student is evaluated.

For further information and support during the accreditation phase, it is recommended to contact Sabrina Burocco  (Student Orientation & Job Placement Service, via Duomo 6 - tel. 0161 261559)

Last modified 5 August 2024