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t) Other activity and language skill

Degree course Literature - Vercelli (Binational Degree) - academic year 24/25

For those enrolled in the second year and opting for full-time study, the Humanities L-10 course requires students to pass a language qualification for 6 CFU.

Students in possession of an English or French or German or Spanish language certificate accepted by the University of Eastern Piedmont may request its recognition for the purposes of exemption by uploading it during the enrolment process by the deadline. The validity of all certifications is 2 years from the date of issue.

In the case of English, if the certification attests a B1 level, recognition counts as having passed the EPT (English Placement Test) and gives access to English language teaching; if the certification attests a level of at least B2, students may ask the CDS to validate it, for the purposes of recognition of English language teaching, bearing in mind that certifications are valid for a limited period of time. For the regulatory reference framework, please consult this page.

To find out more about all accepted language certifications, please refer to the dedicated section of the website.

Bachelor’s degree in Humanities L-10

Academic credits recognised as “Other University Activity”, art. 10 subsection 5 lett. d

The "Further activities" are envisaged in the third year of the course, for a total of 3 credits.

It is possible to bring forward the "Further activities" to the second year.

The Course Council may approve the credits relating to each activity, upon request from the referring teacher, who certifies the correct and completed performance of activity by the student.

These activities can be replaced with an internship/internship for 75 hours (3 credits), or with other activities included in the programme (Modern History Workshops, History of Medieval Art, History of Modern Art).

The complete list of "Further training activities" (seminars, workshops, etc.) will be available soon.

Sources and methods for the study of history

Title Sources and methods for the study of history
eventual organiser or external lecturer  
Any DIR area yes
Teacher representatives to contact for registration Marcello Valente
Period [envisaged] of implementation Second semester, between March and June
Planned hours of commitment: teacher activity/preparation and study; weekly or monthly distribution 16 hours of lectures and seminars + 59 hours of individual work
Mode in presence
Credits assigned 3
Course subject to: Nobody
Description Lectures of two hours each, distributed according to a timetable to be defined, which will focus on a common theme, exclusion/emargination in history, declined by each lecturer in the context of his or her own relevant historical period. The aim is to offer students a diachronic perspective with a methodological slant on a specific theme examined in different historical periods. Teachers involved: Marcello Valente, Eleonora Destefanis, Vittorio Tigrino, Simone Bellezza. Visiting professors from other Italian or foreign universities may be involved
Final evaluation format Class participation and final report to be sent to the lecturer



Italian Lexicography Workshop. Preparing jpg files and checking the electronic lemmary for the UPO2022 MIT@PANZINI online project 

Title Italian Lexicography Workshop. Preparing jpg files and checking the electronic lemmary for the UPO2022 MIT@PANZINI online project 

External organizer or teacher

Ludovica Maconi
Any DIR area ------
Teacher representatives to contact for registration Ludovica Maconi (for students L10)
Period [envisaged] of implementation

Free period of study, chosen by the student, but by December 2024: 25 hours of work from home

Forecast hours involved: teacher-led activity/preparation and study; weekly or monthly distribution

1 hour of online activity with the teacher to plan the activity + 25 hours of individual work from home


The student must contact the teacher to schedule the hour of online training (via Google Meet), followed by 25 hours of material collection for the UPO2022 MIT@PANZINIonline research project

Credits assigned

From 1 to 3 CFU based on working hours

Course subject to:

The activity is aimed at L10 students who have passed the History of the Italian language exams with a grade of 30 or 30 cum laude. L10 students who have not yet taken the History of the Italian language exam, but who have completed the Italian and English lexicography seminar (4-5 April 2024) and submitted the required exercise can also participate. 

It is also possible to participate in the activity for 50 or 75 hours, corresponding respectively to 2 and 3 CFU


Image collection and filing work for the preparation of the progressive electronic edition of Alfredo Panzini's Modern Dictionary.

The student will have to carry out one of the following activities:

  1. check that the files archived so far correspond to the headword of the first edition of the dictionary (1905) and that they have been filed correctly;
  2. prepare image files of the entries inserted for the first time in the fifth edition of the Modern Dictionary (1927). The entries to be extracted will be indicated by the teacher, who will deliver photographs of the fifth edition of the Modern Dictionary and a file with the list of entries to be extracted. The student will prepare jpg files appropriately named and archived according to the established criteria.

All the instructions for carrying out this task will be provided by the teacher in the initial training hour (two hours for those who will work on the project for 75 hours, also taking care of the philological part of revising the electronic lemmary with markings of the scope of use, limited to a or two alphabetical sections).

Final evaluation format

To achieve 1 or 2 CFU (eligibility without grade) the material must be delivered in compliance with the criteria indicated by the teacher.

  • For students who will carry out activity 1: submit a short report documenting the revision of the image files currently archived for the 1905 edition, reporting any necessary corrections.
  • For students who will carry out activity 2: deliver image files of the entries that enter the 1927 edition of the Modern Dictionary for the first time.

To achieve 3 CFU (eligibility without grade), a proof of revision of the electronic lemmarium must also be submitted, limited to one or two alphabetical sections.


Theatre in Language Workshop - Tillit

Contact: Prof. Marco Pustianaz (first and second semester, from October to June)

Description CFU

Practical workshop with elements of improvisation for each of the four languages; group work, both instructor-led and independently. Creation of final show.

The theatre workshop in a foreign language is offered in the following languages:

  • English (coordinator Marco Pustianaz)
  • French (coordinator Laurence Audéoud)
  • Spanish (coordinator Carlos Jiménez)
  • German (coordinator Michaela Reinhardt)

It is necessary to contact the coordinator of the mandatory language chosen by

October, to allow the formation of groups, or by writing to



Workshop of recognition, filing and cataloguing of the works of art

For further information, see the description on Syllabus.


Laboratory of Archaeology

For further information, see the description on Syllabus.


Digital tools for textual analysis

For further information, see the description on Syllabus.


Evaluating information sources

For further information, see the description on Syllabus.


Last modified 21 January 2025