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t) Other activity and language skill

Degree course Literature - Vercelli (Binational Degree) - academic year 24/25

The Literature degree L-10 requires (in the third full-time year) that you successfully acquire a language qualification for 3 ECTS credits.                                                                     

Those in possession of one of the English language proficiency certifications accepted by the University of Eastern Piedmont may request its recognition in order to be exempt from the English Placement Test, uploading the certification during matriculation by the deadline.

If the certification is at least B2 level, students can ask the CDS for its validation for English Language teaching recognition, remembering that certifications have a limited validity in time.

For the relevant regulatory framework, see this page.

Bachelor’s degree in Humanities L-10

Academic credits recognised as “Other University Activity”, art. 10 subsection 5 lett. d

The "Further activities" are envisaged in the third year of the course, for a total of 3 credits.

It is possible to bring forward the "Further activities" to the second year.

The Course Council may approve the credits relating to each activity, upon request from the referring teacher, who certifies the correct and completed performance of activity by the student.

These activities can be replaced with an internship/internship for 75 hours (3 credits), or with other activities included in the programme (Modern History Workshops, History of Medieval Art, History of Modern Art).

The complete list of "Further training activities" (seminars, workshops, etc.) will be available soon.


Study Days " Comparing theories and practices of narration " (3rd edition)


Study Days "Comparing theories and practices of narration" (3rd edition)


Organised by Stefania Sini and Franca Sinopoli (Sapienza dell'Università di Roma)

Any DIR area


Teacher representatives to contact for registration

Period [envisaged] of implementation

12 March 2024

Forecast hours involved: teacher-led activity/preparation and study; weekly or monthly distribution

minimum 3 hours for preparatory reading of texts; 6 hours participation; plus 3 hours for written analytical report

Il mestiere dell’Archivista, tra tradizione e innovazione


Il mestiere dell’Archivista, tra tradizione e innovazione.


Eventuale area DIR


Docenti referenti da contattare per iscriversi

Periodo [previsto] di svolgimento

Secondo semestre

Ore di impegno previste: attività col docente/preparazione e studio; distribuzione settimanale o mensile

8 ore di lezione, di cui:

  • 3 + 3 ore di lezione frontale
  • 2 ore di visita presso l’Archivio del giornale La Sesia


In presenza

CFU assegnati


Eventuale vincolo di fattibilità



Tra le potenziali professioni del futuro laureato in Lettere, viene spesso menzionata la figura dell’assistente d’archivio o dell’archivista: ma che cosa sono gli archivi e cosa fanno i professionisti che lavorano al loro interno?

Nella prima parte di questo laboratorio verrà fornita una panoramica sulla storia degli archivi, sulle varie tipologie di archivio e sul lavoro dell’archivista. Nella seconda parte verranno presentati gli archivi digitali e gli strumenti informatici utili all’archivista (ma non solo) per il suo lavoro.

A lezioni introduttive di taglio teorico saranno affiancate esercitazioni sulla lettura dei documenti e sulla descrizione delle unità archivistiche tramite linguaggio digitale.

Al termine del laboratorio gli studenti potranno interagire direttamente con un importante archivio del territorio, ovvero quello del giornale La Sesia.

Modalità della valutazione finale

Presenza e partecipazione attiva a tutti gli incontri; svolgimento delle attività assegnate in classe e a casa


Face-to-face, in English and in Italian

Credits assigned


Course subject to:

Minimum 5 partecipantes


Study Day on different theories, methodologies and narrative experiences. 6 to 8 speakers are expected, including Matìas Martinez, University of Wuppertal, short-term visiting professor guest of Disum, Martin Koval, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), also a short-term visiting professor guest of Disum; Sara Sullam (Unimi English Literature and translator); Renato Gabrielli, playwright and teacher of dramaturgical writing (Paolo Grassi Theatre School and Luchino Visconti Cinema School, Milan). A discussion with colleagues from the Crimedim Interuniversity Centre and the Simnova Interuniversity Centre is planned. The definitive programme is being prepared.

Final evaluation format

Written Report


Seminar "Factual narrative"


The narrative reconstruction of 'the real'. The factual narrativein different socio-discursive fields: from journalism and history to medicine and the natural sciences. / La reposición narrativa de ‘lo real’. El relato factual en los diversos ámbitos socio-discursivos: del periodismo y la historia a la medicina y las ciencias naturales.

Organiser or visiting professor

The seminar will be held by Martin Koval, Universidad de Bueno Aires (UBA) short-term visiting professor

Any DIR area

Yes, will be requested

Teacher representatives to contact for registration

Stefania Sini

Period [envisaged] of implementation

13, 14, 15 March 2024

Forecast hours involved: teacher-led activity/preparation and study; weekly or monthly distribution

12 hours of teaching, plus homework tasks


Face-to-face, in English or Spanish as requested by students

Credits assigned


Course subject to:

Minimum 5 partecipantes


Final evaluation format

Oral test


Language education and teaching of Italian as a second language in multilingual schools


Language education and teaching of Italian as a second language in multilingual schools



Any DIR area


Teacher representatives to contact for registration

Stefania Ferrari

Period [envisaged] of implementation


Forecast hours involved: teacher-led activity/preparation and study; weekly or monthly distribution

Minimum 25, maximum 150 hours


hybrid, face-to-face at IC Bellini, Novara

Credits assigned

From 1 to 6

Course subject to:



The project is aimed at creating educational interventions in the classroom and in the Italian L2 laboratory dedicated to teaching Italian as a L2. Students have the opportunity to accompany class teachers and Italian L2 teachers involved in an action-research and educational experimentation process at the IC Bellini in Novara. In more detail, the activity can include:

  • Participation in training courses aimed at teachers. Participation in Italian L2 class or laboratory activities
  • Planning and testing of educational paths
  • Documentation of educational paths
  • Design and validation of language learning assessment tests

Monitoring of learning

Final evaluation format

Documented records of project


Language TIPS – Training Lab


Language TIPS – Training Lab

Teacher(s) to contact to register (belonging to the course council, this person deals with assignment of credits)

Stefania Ferrari, Miriam Ravetto

Organiser or visiting professor


Teacher representatives to contact for registration

Stefania Ferrari

Period [envisaged] of implementation


Forecast hours involved: teacher-led activity/preparation and study; weekly or monthly distribution

75 hours



Credits assigned


Course subject to:



The Language TIPS (Task, interaction and pragmatics at school) project aims to encourage interaction between university teaching, research, training and teaching on the topic of language learning. In particular, the project is dedicated to the development of pragmatic and international skills in the mother tongue, second or foreign language, an area which does not yet find sufficient space in teaching practice and which appears to be poorly investigated by research, despite its key role in building advanced language skills. The path includes both participation in a series of meetings dedicated to the theoretical-practical in-depth study of the proposed themes and the introduction to the use of tools for recording, transcription and annotation of spoken data and the conduct of field research oriented towards collaborative construction of a task-based corpus of spontaneous and elicited speech. The meetings involve not only students, but also university researchers and teachers from local schools.

Final evaluation format

Analytical selection of materials collected and/or developed




School of Writing – activity still to be defined






Any DIR area


Teacher representatives to contact for registration


Period [envisaged] of implementation


Forecast hours involved: teacher-led hours/preparation and study; weekly or monthly distribution




Credits assigned


Any feasibility restrictions




Final evaluation format



Texts and contexts


Texts and contexts



Any DIR area


Teacher representatives to contact for registration

Period [envisaged] of implementation

First - Second semester: November - May

Forecast hours involved: teacher-led activity/preparation and study; weekly or monthly distribution

e.g.: 10 hours over five months; a monthly meeting (November, December, March, April, May) of 2 hours each


In person

Credits assigned


Any feasibility restrictions



Series of seminars on Antiquity

Final evaluation format

Report to send to one of the teacher representatives


The profession of an Archivist, from tradition to innovation


The profession of an Archivist, from tradition to innovation


Any DIR area


Teacher representatives to contact for registration

Period [envisaged] of implementation

Second semester

Forecast hours involved: teacher-led activity/preparation and study; weekly or monthly distribution

8 hours of lessons, including:

  • 3 + 3 hours of frontal lessons
  • 2-hour visit to the Archive of the La Sesia newspaper


In person

Credits assigned


Any feasibility restrictions



Among the potential professions of the future Humanities graduate,the figure of the archive assistant or archivist is often mentioned: but what are archives and what do the professionals who work within them do?

In the first part of this workshop. an overview of the history of archives, the various types of archives and the work of the archivist will be described. In the second part, digital archives and IT tools useful to the archivist (but not only) for this work will be presented.

Introductory theoretical lessons will be accompanied by exercises on reading documents and describing archival units using digital language.

At the end of the laboratory, students will be able to interact directly with an important local archive, namely that of the newspaper La Sesia.

Final evaluation format

Presence and active participation in all meetings; carrying out assigned activities in class and at home


Workshop of Medieval Philosophy by Dragos Calma


Workshop of Medieval Philosophy by Dragos Calma (with Silvia Fazzo       and participation of Clelia Attanasio, University of Strasbourg)

Visiting Teacher

Dragos Calma, University College Dublin, Associate Professor, (CV)

Any DIR area


Teacher representatives to contact for registration

Period [envisaged] of implementation

4-18 december 2023

Forecast hours involved: teacher-led activity/preparation and study; weekly or monthly distribution

15/60 - 15 frontal hours in two weeks and individual study 


In person in Vercelli and online

Credits assigned


Any feasibility restrictions



Intensive workshop on medieval philosophy, to reinforce and deepen           the History of Medieval Philosophy course.

The laboratory selects, processes and delves into some of Professor        Calma's specialty topics,following in their sequence the volume of         history of medieval philosophy by Pasquale Porro in use among           students so as to be of direct use also in the in-depth study of the exam subject.

The professor, based in Dublin and the former winner of an ERC           project, speaks fluent Italian.

Final evaluation format

Written or oral report and final interview.


Theatre in Language Workshop - Tillit

Contact: Prof. Marco Pustianaz (first and second semester, from October to June)

Description CFU

Practical workshop with elements of improvisation for each of the four languages; group work, both instructor-led and independently. Creation of final show.

The theatre workshop in a foreign language is offered in the following languages:

  • English (coordinator Marco Pustianaz)
  • French (coordinator Laurence Audéoud)
  • Spanish (coordinator Carlos Jiménez)
  • German (coordinator Michaela Reinhardt)

It is necessary to contact the coordinator of the mandatory language chosen by

October, to allow the formation of groups, or by writing to



Themes, sources and resources for the history of medieval art - activity not yet operationally defined





Any DIR area


Teacher representatives to contact for registration


Period [envisaged] of implementation


Forecast hours involved: teacher-led hours/preparation and study; weekly or monthly distribution




Credits assigned


Any feasibility restrictions




Final evaluation format


Workshop of recognition, filing and cataloguing of the works of art - activity not yet operationally defined





Any DIR area


Teacher representatives to contact for registration


Period [envisaged] of implementation


Forecast hours involved: teacher-led hours/preparation and study; weekly or monthly distribution




Credits assigned


Any feasibility restrictions




Final evaluation format


Seminar on lexicography and history of Italian and English lexicography


Seminar on lexicography and history of Italian and English lexicography

Teacher/contact person/supervisors of activity (belonging to CDSM, the person who requests assignment of ECTS credits

Ludovica MACONI (for students L10 and LM14)

Any organiser or visiting teaching


Teacher(s) to contact for registration

Ludovica MACONI (for students L10 and LM14)

Any DIR area


Period [envisaged] of implementation

4 and 5 april 2024

Forecast hours involved: teacher-led activity/preparation and study; weekly or monthly distribution

8 hours of seminar on 4 and 5 April + 1 hour of online activity with the teacher on 8 April at 5.30-6.30 pm to plan the exercises (there will be the possibility of a second online meeting for students absent on 8 April) + 25 hours of individual work to carry out the assigned tasks.


In-person seminar. An Italian lexicography exercise will then be assigned (on digital lexicography projects), to be carried out independently at home and to be delivered to the organising teacher.

Credits assigned


Any feasibility restrictions



The speakers will talk about themes and projects of lexicography and history of Italian and English lexicography. The lessons of the speakers from the Italian linguistic area (Claudio Marazzini, Yorick Gomez Gane, Ludovica Maconi) will look at politics and ideology in dictionaries, Italian-isms in Catalan and English (with presentation of the project and filings for the IOM, Observatory of Italian-isms in the world), the preparation of the progressive electronic edition of Panzini's Modern Dictionary (underway in our Department with the UPO2022 research project).

Final evaluation format

To obtain the 2 credits you must attend all the seminar conferences in person (full day on 4 April, 10am-5.30pm; half day on 5 April, 10am-1pm); follow the teacher's online training hour, during which the Italian lexicography exercise will be assigned (the necessary material will be sent via email and the tools will be made available online); the exercise must obtain a positive evaluation from the teacher (pass or fail, no grade). The exercise can also be carried out and delivered in the months following the seminar, but work should be completed by the end of September 2024.


Last modified 17 September 2024