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Modern, classical and comparative Philology - (Double Degree) - academic year 24/25

Course Type Master’s degree

Academic year 2024/2025

Membership structure

Watch the video presentation of the course!

Course Overview

The 2nd level Master's degree course in Modern, Classical and Comparative Philology, Code LM-14, is open access (no capped number restrictions).

The course lasts two years (full-time), but also provides a part-time option of three or four years. This option is strongly recommended for working students and for all those who find themselves unable to dedicate themselves entirely to study.

Part-time enrolment allows students to complete their university studies over a longer period of time, with a lower number of exams per year than those envisaged by the full-time regime. It is thus easier to avoid completing the course as "off-course", a situation which entails higher costs in university fees.

To obtain the degree, you must obtain 120 ECTS academic credits. 

Course organiser (Chair): Prof. Raffaella AFFERNI

The degree obtained with the two-year full-time programme (60 credits per year) is equivalent to that obtained with the part-time option. The distribution of credits in the individual years of the part-time path is as follows:

  • 3 years: 1st year, 42 credits; 2nd year, 42 credits; 3rd year, 36 credits
  • 4 years: 30 credits per year.

As of academic year 2020-2021, the course is divided into two tracks:

  • Literature
  • Cultural heritage (experimental)

A PDF attachment can be found among the attachments below, detailing structure of the courses in the two tracks.

You have the opportunity to pursue a binational degree in partnership with the Université de Savoie Mont Blanc.

It is expected that each student's educational progress will be accompanied by a tutor chosen from among the teachers and researchers of the course.

Students are required to submit their annual study plan by the deadline established by the Department. An exemption is granted for students awaiting approval of credits following a university transfer, course transfer or shortening of a course.

For the purposes of credit recognition in the event of transfers from other degree courses, from other locations or second degrees, the Council may decide, for individual students, on the admissibility of disciplines not explicitly listed in the table as related and integrative.

For disciplines activated by other bachelor's or master's degree courses, the student is responsible for verifying any conditions (prerequisites, knowledge of languages, etc.) for taking the relevant exam.

Regardless of the choice of disciplines, the study plan cannot include more than 20 exams (in addition to the final test, the language test and other training activities).

Students have the right to include in their study plan a number of credits exceeding 180, indicating which ones are to be considered supernumerary. The marks of the extra exams do not contribute to the final average.

The study plan is approved by one of the teachers delegated by the Course Council and ratified by the Council itself.

The degree programme provides theoretical knowledge of language and the main features that characterise it, with specialised knowledge of the languages and literatures of the ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary ages. It offers in-depth preparation in ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary history, in the history of artistic and archaeological heritage from antiquity to today. Furthermore, it provides practical knowledge of the main IT tools for humanistic studies and of the problems emerging from the new channels of text transmission. It allows you to acquire fluent use, in written and oral form, of at least one European Union language, in addition to Italian. It is possible for students to follow personalised study paths in the philological, literary, historical and cultural heritage fields.


Key features

  • Solid education in the humanities
  • Double track: “Humanities” and “Cultural Heritage (experimental)”
  • Achievement of the credits necessary for access to teaching in various Calls
  • Possibility of obtaining a dual Italian-French diploma, as part of the binational degree with the Université de Savoie Mont Blanc of Chambéry
  • Possibility of undertaking Erasmus and Free-Mover programmes
  • Many opportunities to carry out an internship, nationally and internationally


Employment opportunities

The degree course in Modern, Classical and Comparative Philology sets out to train professional figures characterised by an acute capacity for philological, linguistic, cognitive and historical, anthropological, artistic and archaeological analysis of literary, material, and artistic intellectual works, and interactive situations in which the comparison of cultures comes into play. Graduates will have access to all the employment and professional opportunities associated with the possession of a solid and in-depth historical, literary, linguistic, philological and artistic-archaeological culture.



Course Organisation

Study Plans

  • Full-time – Curriculum: Humanities
  •  Full-time – Curriculum: Cultural Heritage
  • Part-time - 3 years – Curriculum: Humanities
  •  Part-time - 3 years – Curriculum: Cultural Heritage
  •  Part-time - 4 years – Curriculum: Heritage
  •  Part-time - 4 years – Curriculum: Cultural Heritage

Didactic Regulations


  • Archive of Programmes, Study Plans and Didactic Regulations


To enrol/register

The information provided on enrolment and registration for this degree tells you how to complete the procedure.
You must also read the  Admission Requirements.


Student Representatives

Student representatives are part of the governing bodies of the Department and the University and are an important component contributing to management of all its activities. The Student Representatives’ headquarters in Vercelli is located in room B3 at the Ex-Ospedaletto, viale Garibaldi 98.


Need more info? Here’s who to contact, and how

  • To find info on teachers and office hours: UPObook
  • To contact the Student Secretariat: UPOrisponde
  • If you wish to talk directly to the Secretariat (regarding particularly complex issues): UPOriceve
  • If you need support from Student Services for disability/learning problems: UPOrisponde
  • If you are looking for information on careers guidance, internships and job placements:

A complete list of contact details can be found here.

During the enrolment period, the PIMs (Punto informativo matricole – Enrolment Info Desks) are available.

The helpdesk “S.O.S.T.A.” (University Orientation and Tutoring Service) is a peer support system, provided with the collaboration of students.



You can enrich your academic career with an international experience.

There are various options you can choose, according to your interests and student status: for example, you can spend a period of study abroad with Erasmus+ mobility (study trip or internship) or spend a period abroad as a "FreeMover", or pursue a dual degree with Université Savoie Mont Blanc of Chambéry.


Erasmus opportunities

Austria: Graz. Belgium: Liege. Croatia: Zagabria. France: Bordeaux, Lille, Metz, Versailles, Paris Diderot, Grenoble. Germany: “Ludwig Maximilian” (Munich), Marburg, Aachen, Bochum, Potsdam. Norway: Volda. Poland: Warsaw, Wroclaw, Lodz,“Adam Mickiewicz” Poznań. Portugal: Madeira.            Romania: Alba Iulia, Bucarest. Spain: Malaga, “Carlos III” (Madrid), “Miguel de Cervantes” (Valladolid), Alcalã, Valencia, Tenerife, Salamanca, Seville, Vigo, Santiago de Compostela, Cáceres, Santander, Ciudad Real, Huelva.

More information: Prof. Miriam Ravetto, dott.ssa Ombretta Finotello at Segreteria didattica e servizi agli studenti, Ala conventuale S. Andrea, via Galileo Ferraris 116 - tel. 0161228231 fax 0161228229


DUAL DEGREE with the Université Savoie Mont Blanc of Chambéry

The binational degree: an important opportunity

The Master’s degree allows you to pursue a dual degree, valid both in Italy and France. It is an important opportunity for training and job prospects, as it opens up multiple professional possibilities, both for employment in France and for access to international public competitions, but also for a career in European universities. A binational degree also represents a qualification that significantly increases the prestige of your CV for use at an international level.

How the binational pathway is structured

The pathway to obtaining the dual degree involves a one-year stay (the second) at the University of Chambéry, in a modern university structure, suitable for students and open to intercultural exchange. During this period the student will have the opportunity to acquire excellent language skills, and also to deepen their knowledge of French culture, as well as living in contact with an international environment, which is also a great stimulus for personal enrichment. In that year, the student will prepare a study plan agreed with the tutor teacher and the contact teacher in Chambéry. He/she will then follow the courses and take the exams scheduled at the host institution. At the end of the course abroad, the Vercelli study course will recognise the exams taken.
Students interested in undertaking the binational path in their second year are required to have a level of knowledge of the French language equal to B1 or higher, already upon departure for Chambéry. Interested students will previously be able to achieve this language level through the Department's training courses.

New experiences and a rich educational proposal

The training offer includes a rich choice of language, literature, culture, history and valorisation of cultural heritage exams, which completes the course of study and opens up new perspectives of learning and entry into the world of work.

As part of the Master's degree course, there are two tracks: one, with the Master’s “Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionales- Parcours Études Transfrontalières”, focused on in-depth study of linguistic and literary aspects; the other, with the Master’s “Histoire, civilisations, patrimoine”, oriented towards the study and valorisation of cultural heritage, with in-depth studies in the historical, historical-artistic, cultural policies and culture of the Alpine world.

For more information: Prof. Vittorio Tigrino, Dr. Ombretta Finotello at Segreteria didattica e servizi agli studenti, Ala conventuale S. Andrea, via Galileo Ferraris 116 - tel. 0161228231 fax 0161228229


Quality Assurance of Course

The quality assurance of teaching is linked to the University Quality Policies and is implemented and monitored by evaluation of management of the courses, with a view to continuous improvement. At Course level, quality assurance is delegated to the Quality Team and Review Group.

The Course Quality documentation can be found here.


Last modified 6 August 2024