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Evaluation of Initial Skills Assessment Test for Bachelor Degree courses

All courses at Disum are OPEN ACCESS (without number restrictions)

AFTER enrolling in the 1st year of a THREE-YEAR Bachelor’s degree programme (Modern Languages, Literature, Philosophy and Communication), YOU MUST sit the Initial Skills Assessment Test - TOLC and the English Placement Test.

Initial skills assessment test (TOLC)

What is the Initial Skills Assessment Test?

It is an initial test to evaluate your academic preparation at the beginning of the degree programme.

The test is compulsory by law; however, even if you do not pass the test you can still sit the exams of the 1st year of your course.

The test is administered via the interuniversity system platform - CISIA.

Test structure and syllabus;
TOLC-SU test examples
Login exercise area

Who must take it?

All students registered in the first year of a Bachelor’s degree (Modern Languages, Literature, Philosophy and Communication), unless exempt.

The dates proposed by the CISIA calendar apply to all students on all Bachelor degree courses, and the test may be taken through any location/University listed in the calendar (the test is valid nationwide). As an online test, the location of the University supplying the service does not involve physically visiting that place.


How to register for the test

Results: how to get them

Find your test result in your CISIA reserved area, in the section “Test Results”, immediately after taking the test.
Below is a list of what you can find in the section “Test Results:

  • Certificate of attendance for the assessment test that you took
  • The results of the assessment test with details on correct answers, no-responses, and mistakes, by section and topic
  • Certificate of test result with summary of mark and your booking details

For more information, see: FAQs of CISIA

  1. Minimum score to pass the test:


    Minimum score








  2. The English language and logic tests are purely for self-assessment purposes and do not contribute to generating OFA.

  3. The result of the elective English Language test is not considered, as DISUM requires a compulsory English Placement Test.

If YOU PASS the test, you may continue your university career as normal.

If YOU DO NOT PASS the test, follow the instructions below on how to satisfy the Additional Educational Requirements.


How to fulfil the Additional Educational Requirements

For students enrolled in first year

If you HAVE NOT PASSED the Initial Assessment test, you are subject to Additional Educational Requirments which must be satisfied within your first year of study, and must follow a realignment (catch-up) course.

The online course is flanked by in-person lessons, held by Prof. Andrea Musazzo. The teacher will also be available for hours of individual tutoring according to the calendar published on the  DIR page of the course.

At the end of the realignment course (in presence or online), there will be a final test on the DIR platform,

The test lasts 45 minutes. Students with special needs can apply to take the test with 30% or 50% extra time, by writing to

If you have not fulfilled the Additional Educational Requirements by the end of the 1st year (31 October 2024)
you cannot take the course exams of the second or following years.

If you have not taken the initial assessment test, the final test of the Additional Educational Requirements course has no validity, irrespective of the result.

The realignment course and final test may be repeated, and do not contribute in any way to academic credits.



Philosophy and Communication (L5): the exemption is applied to those who arrive from a degree course of the same category (L5), or arrives on the course from a year subsequent to the first year. The student must prove, also by self-declaration, having passed the assessment test or fulfilled any additional education requirements at the university of origin.

Literature (L10): the exemption is applied to those who arrive from a degree course of the same category (L10), or arrives on the course from a year subsequent to the first year. The student must prove, also by self-declaration, having passed the assessment test or fulfilled any additional education requirements at the university of origin. For the Literature degree programme, the courses exempt from the assessment test are: L01 Cultural Heritage, L10 Literature, L11 Modern Languages and Cultures, L12 Linguistic Mediation, L42 History, L43 Technologies for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, LM02 Master’s Degree in Archaeology, LMG1 Master’s degree in Law, LM10 Master’s degree in Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage, LM11 Master’s degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, LM14 Master’s degree in Modern Philology, LM15 Master’s degree in Linguistics, Literature and History of the Ancient World, LM36 Master’s degree in Languages and Literature of Africa and Asia, LM37 Master’s degree in Modern European and American Languages and Literature, LM38 Master’s degree in Modern Languages for International Communication and Co-operation, LM39 Master’s degree in Linguistics, LM45 Master’s degree in Musicology and Cultural Heritage, LM78 Master’s degree in Philosophical Studies, LM80 Master’s degree in Geography Studies, LM84 Master’s degree in History Studies, LM89 Master’s degree in History of Art.

Modern Languages (L11): the exemption is applied to those who arrive from a degree course of the same category (L11), or arrives on the course from a year subsequent to the first year. The student must prove, also by self-declaration, having passed the assessment test or fulfilled any additional education requirements at the university of origin.

Please note. Contact your TEACHER-TUTOR who will follow you in your studies and preparation.

English Placement Test

After enrolment, your English language skills will be checked via the English Placement Test, an online test on the Macmillan English Campus platform.
The test is compulsory but does not affect your admission to the courses.
Contact: Prof. Laura Tommaso



Last modified 8 August 2024