Teacher-student Joint Committee (CPSD)
Each Department (and the School, in the case of the Medical Departments) elects a Joint Teacher-Student Committee with equal number of teachers and students, where possible representatives of all the courses pertaining to the Department or School.
To guarantee impartiality, the Committee must not include the Course Chairs, Department Managers or School Chair. The Joint Committee is coordinated by a teacher selected among the committee members.
Annual Joint Committee Reports
The Committee evaluates whether:
- the course plan pays due attention to the functions and skills required by employment prospects and personal and professional development, taking into account the needs of the economic and productive system
- the learning outcomes are effective in relation to required functions and skills
- the teaching activity of the teachers, the methods of transmitting knowledge and skills, the materials and teaching aids, the laboratories, the classrooms, the equipment and the student services carried out by teachers and researchers, are effective in achieving the learning objectives at the desired level
- the examination methods make it possible to ascertain the results obtained
- the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA) (formerly Annual Review) achieves effective corrective actions on the course in the following years
- student satisfaction questionnaires are effectively managed, analysed and used
In drawing up the Annual Report, the following must be analysed:
- SUA-CdS survey of the academic year just ended, but also taking into account that of the current year (e.g.: in 2023 the SUA-CdS of the 2021/22 a.y. is completed and that of the a.y. is in progress 2022/23)
- entry, course and exit data of students
- results of the teaching evaluation questionnaires filled in by the students
- results of the Almalaurea questionnaires filled in by graduates
- latest annual report of the Review Unit (NdV)
- latest Annual Monitoring Report (SMA) (former Annual Review Report)
- last Cyclical Review Report (CRR).
The Annual Report is sent to the University Quality Control Unit and by the latter to the Review Unit, to the Manager of the Department/School and to the Chairs of the Degree Programmes, and must be presented and discussed in a session of the Department/School Council.
Relazione annuale 2023
- Documento PDF - 2.84 MB
Relazione annuale 2022
- Documento PDF - 3.57 MB
Relazione annuale 2021
- Documento PDF - 2.87 MB
Relazione annuale 2020
- Documento PDF - 2.17 MB
Relazione annuale 2019
- Documento PDF - 904.74 KB
Relazione annuale 2018
- Documento PDF - 870.54 KB
Relazione annuale 2017
- Documento PDF - 883.65 KB
Relazione annuale 2016
- Documento PDF - 673.32 KB
Relazione annuale 2015
- Documento PDF - 1.06 MB
Relazione annuale 2014
- Documento PDF - 645.77 KB
Relazione annuale 2013
- Documento PDF - 167.17 KB
Useful Links
Last modified 24 January 2024